This is why I NEVER consider myself right wing.

You have satanic pedophiles putting BDSM and gay pride gear on kids and coercing your family into taking dangerous drugs.

What is the conservative response?

"We should sue!"

You do NOT FUCKING sue murderous pedophiles. You make their HEADS ROLL!

Some people are WAY too civilized for their own good.

@basedbagel - It's all the Jesus.

Christians say this life doesn't matter. Your reward is the next life, so suffer whatever you must in this earthly life. Get raped, get molested, get robbed, get cheated, get broken, get killed... none of it matters.

But Jesus says don't take vengeance, because vengeance is God's. But then Jesus forgives everyone - even the rapists, thieves, liars, & killers.

Christians worship someone who seems to want his followers to suffer - and in silence, preferably.



Yeah that slave morality is so strong it can override your own best interest.

"But then Jesus forgives everyone - even the rapists, thieves, liars, & killers."

This is that prodigal son nonsense I hate.

I still believe I'm God but modern day hypochristians drive me insane!

I would rather them be my enemy than to be on my side and be this useless/dumb!

@basedbagel - "I would rather them be my enemy..." Hey, let it be so. 🤷🏻‍♂️🍻

As for myself, (absent of rule of law) I'm planning crucifixion for the first person to thump their bible at me, telling me how I need to live my life, because their holy book said so.

And when you think about it, crucifying them, would actually be doing them a favor. If their beliefs are correct, then I'm giving them a free ticket to paradise by martyring them. I will remind them of this, as they're hanging up there. 👍

@YoMomz @basedbagel Judeo Christianity,is subverted,cathedral subverts all governments,religion,and every facet of society for power on earth thru ritual blood sex magic.Jesus uncovered this flipped over tables in the synagogue of Satan,and was sacrificed in a blood magic ritual for power on earth.18 missing years of his life he traveled the from Britain,India,Nepal,China and Japan following the true Israelites path of the Creator God,not the path of those who say they are the Jews but are not.

@YoMomz @basedbagel If I told you Jesus learned ancient knowledge and how to turn water to wine,from a Drunken Master who ate red meat and dairy,Wu-Tang we wuz kingz clan,but not the Yin but the real deal Yang

@Scubbie @basedbagel - I never quite know what to make of it, sir. 🤔😅

I'm gonna file all of that in the "maybe" category. The cathedral subversion lines up with motive and opportunity through the ages - which is why "cathedral" is such a good name for the apparatus.

The way I see it, if Jesus has a beef with what I plan to do - I would welcome him coming back to set me and everyone else straight. Of course, we're gonna need to see some legit miracles first.

@Scubbie @basedbagel - In the meantime, I'm gonna focus on making this life as good (just, fair, & prosperous) as I can, for as many people as I can. 🤔 I will accept God's judgement when I die.

The impending collapse is an opportunity for a fresh start. 🍻

Christians have had the run of the place for a long, long time. And their teachings, have led to now - which is intolerable. I will not be saving any holy books in my collapse library. I will be saving based cultural works and philosophy. 🫡

@YoMomz @basedbagel Good thing,Denzel can read braille,I find comfort that a blind Negro will carry the gospel message of knowledge into the dystopian future

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