My dad told me years ago that when I get older I'll lose all my friends once they get married.

I got really pissed and strongly disagreed.

Fast forward a decade and I've officially lost all my friends to the almighty pussy.

I hate admitting boomers were right..

@sardonicsmile I wish I wasn't but I'm an extrovert so this meme terrifes me.

I like people alot but I fell too far down the rabbit hole and my interests are either too niche or too taboo to discuss with most people.

Oh well, at least I still have the internet.

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile yeah I’m an introvert so I’ve never really had a big social circle or a group of friends. I was happy just having one good friend to talk to; but I can see now that I don’t really have friends in real life anymore. Honestly it does get lonely not having that many people to talk too, especially about the things you want to talk about.


Thanks @Mr_Mister

@I_AmTheKnight @sardonicsmile

I wouldn't really consider myself lonely as much as I would intellectually bored.

I can find people to hang out with and have a good low IQ time but outside the internet I'm starved of high IQ conversation due to normie feelings.

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