
It's now trendy for women to call themselves sapiosexuals..

Please DO NOT fall for this nonsense!

Women are not attracted to your mind.

They are attracted to surface level attributes only.

I believed this foolishness for years and it caused me so much unnecessary pain.

If women were truly sapiosexuals, you would see gorgeous women with programmers and not athletes\businessmen\entertainers.

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@basedbagel If this was true why in every movie the girls go for stupid sport player compare to shy inteligent nerd.

In movies you see girls going for stupid or foolish sport players that enjoy all women in school.

Compare to nerd who is smart and he is outcast alone and no women dare to aproach him. If he does aproach her she will automatically reject him.

Nerd has chance only after some time when he become physically better and more agressive mentally.

@Stahesh @basedbagel 1/2 We are told to think a man's Value is based on metrics other than looks, because we have been lied to by virtue signaling speech patterns.
We think because we are high Value because you are Established, Successful, Assertive, Intellectual, Confident; generic "I am a Man" bullshit.
We think these generic masculine traits are to women, what beauty is to men. Because we have been *lied* to.

@Stahesh @basedbagel 2/2
Females are in large part "visual"; if not Moreso; due to Hypergamy and inflated ego. We do not understand this because this is "blue pill" thinking and coping.

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