Interesting after watching undead chronic I found out there is movement called

No Pussy No Work No Pussy No Taxes No Pussy No Vaccine No Pussy No Peace.

This protest is similar to a general strike. Dropping out of the workforce and taxforce is a very effective and peaceful form of protest. Society needs working young men and their taxes. Without them sooner or later everything men built in this civilization will deteriorate.

NPNW associated w MGTOW?

Officially no but there are a few similarities between the MGTOW philosophy and the NPNW philosophy so some men might support both movements at the same time. We officially do not support MGTOW because the fundamental core values of NPNW are no work and no taxes while MGTOW promotes being economically active members of society while not giving any money and resources to women. We also do not agree with the ''G'' in MGTOW. Clearly an ''S'' should have been in its place.


@Stahesh This movement doesn't make sense to me.

So men will refuse to pay taxes, work, or be peaceful because their dick is dry?

You do realize this is gynocentrism at it's finest. NPNW acts as if pussy is all there is to life.

If you want pussy pay for it.

If you want to protest our system then lobbying or leaving the country like I am is way more effective.

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@basedbagel Yes. They are weird too much obsesed with pussy.

Like TFM said there is much more to life than pussy.

They are basically saying if you get us pussy we will be your slaves.

No thanks I will do my things to stay away from people that will want to rule over me and limit my freedom.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @Stahesh @Tfmonkey

I understand the idea but it has a gynocentric undertone that most men only work because they want pussy.

I know pussy is a big motivator but its not why I work and I don't think anyone should get behind this.

Also, what is teh logical coclusion of this?

Gov sanctioned hoes for guys like the incels propose?

The whole thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

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