Rollo is basically a rebranded PUA but has a point, here.


Rollo bills him self as a information peddler, not a advice giver. From his mind he believes he's just telling people how things work. People who don't like what he has to say come at him saying he's giving bad advice. His videos are so long because he spends most of the time pretending like he's arguing with those people.

When first starting youtube he use to be normal. As the growth came so too did his ego. Its cringe for 80% of his content.


@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @sardonicsmile

This a perfect example of when you're in a small circle of people who agree with you and you talk for a living.

You end up saying nonsense and think it's profound.

I wish people would stop listening to talking heads and just read the books the talking heads get their ideas from instead.

But I know that will never happen.

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