
Rollo is basically a rebranded PUA but has a point, here.

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Rollo bills him self as a information peddler, not a advice giver. From his mind he believes he's just telling people how things work. People who don't like what he has to say come at him saying he's giving bad advice. His videos are so long because he spends most of the time pretending like he's arguing with those people.

When first starting youtube he use to be normal. As the growth came so too did his ego. Its cringe for 80% of his content.

@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu @sardonicsmile

This a perfect example of when you're in a small circle of people who agree with you and you talk for a living.

You end up saying nonsense and think it's profound.

I wish people would stop listening to talking heads and just read the books the talking heads get their ideas from instead.

But I know that will never happen.

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey uh oh you got rollo'd. Your philosophy is invalid. How does that make you feel. Without a validator how can you be valid. Are you saying you are self evident validating yourself to be valid! Have someone else have respect for yourself!

@MrpoopyButhole @sardonicsmile A lot of people talk about self respect like the body positivity movement, but they're just fat lazy cunts.

I don't care about respect. I care about self actualization, living your best life and reaching your greatest potential. Whether other people respect me or not is irrelevant.

So Rollo isn't talking about me. He's talking about losers who cope about their "self respect".

@Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole
I agree that self actualization will take priority over respect, for the Thinking Man.
When we are interacting with others and require their trust or cooperation, respect must be established. You cannot just tell someone who has authority to make decisions that affect you to, "I'm self actualized, so nothing you say matters to me."
I hope I wrote that correctly...

@sardonicsmile @MrpoopyButhole Let me explain it this way. People judge you on what you achieve. Respect flows downstream of achievement.

Caring about respect is like chasing happiness. If you chase happiness, you'll be unhappy. If you live a meaningful and purpose-filled life, happiness will happen on its own.

Self-actualization doesn't need to be bragged about. It won't matter to anyone else. Maybe you'll achieve great things and they'll respect you, or not. Who cares?

Hope that make sense.

@MrpoopyButhole @Tfmonkey I didn't say this is my philosophy. I said he has a point.

@sardonicsmile I don't know how to use mastodon. I tagged tfm . I was being sarcastic to him

@MrpoopyButhole We're cool. I didn't take it personally.
I was trying to flesh out Rollo's argument and was hoping for some feedback.

@sardonicsmile I'll give you some feedback buddy! I'll tell ya what guy! Propane and propane accessories!

@sardonicsmile This fucking guy, As a tradesman respect is based off of what you know, if you don’t know anything as a tradesman .It is based off of what you can do.
If you know some shit those that don’t know some shit have to listen to you to learn to do shit

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