Just in case anyone has any doubt or confusion that Communism == Jews == Judaism

@UncleIroh Karl Marx came from a jewish family. It's all the synagogue of satan the bible warned everyone about.

@Zeb @UncleIroh

I'm going to hold off replying on this till i'm done with a few chapters of 200 years together.

@basedbagel @Zeb @UncleIroh

Moses (Moritz)[2] Hess (21 January 1812 – 6 April 1875)[1] was a German-Jewish philosopher, early communist and Zionist thinker.[3] His socialist theories led to disagreements with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.[4] He is considered a pioneer of Labor Zionism


Theodor Herzl[a] (2 May 1860 – 3 July 1904)[3] was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and political activist who was the father of modern political Zionism.


@basedbagel @Zeb @UncleIroh

Moses Hess might have created both Statist Communism and Zionism together

before Marx and Theodore made them "separately" and at later times

In other words Marxist Statist Communism and Zionism might not have been two separate creations but both part of a single plan to exterminate Christians and enslave everyone without a Ashkenazi nor Sephardic Jewish mother who is not exterminated

@shortstories @basedbagel @Zeb

I'd go further.

The neocon movement was/is still a largely Zionist project. It is this that connects Russian Bolshevism to current day Neocon-Zionism, despite their surface differences in ideology.

The ancestral hatred and generational grudge that Jews had for Christian Slavs, especially Russians, resutled in 10s of millions of deaths. That grudge never went away, and it's the same hatred that animates today's crazy Russia Derangement Syndrome.

@UncleIroh @shortstories @Zeb

"The neocon movement was/is still a largely Zionist"

I agree. I thought I already told you I was ant-Zionist thanks to Ryan Dawson.

"it's the same hatred that animates today's crazy Russia Derangement Syndrome."

No argument from here either.

My only concern is that you insinuate that if we got rid of the Jews everything would be fine.

But I say that the Jews are just the one in charge of this nonsense and they ALL must be removed/exiled if we want peace.

@basedbagel @shortstories @Zeb

> ..you insinuate that if we got rid of the Jews everything would be fine.

I don't know what you mean by "got rid of".

> I say that the Jews are just the one in charge of this nonsense

This didn't just "happen" to Jews, it IS Jews. If you understood their ontological worldview then you could not make a statement like that.

> ALL must be removed/exiled if we want peace.


@UncleIroh @shortstories @Zeb

"> ALL must be removed/exiled if we want peace.


If we agree on this then I see no point in quibbling about what step 1 is.

We don't have the time or the numbers to disagree

@basedbagel @shortstories @Zeb

Because the key to understanding Jewish collective behavior, past present and future, is in understanding their worldview - ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, ontology.

They are for a start, deeply religious, even the "atheist" ones. Maybe especially the atheist ones. Jews are also revolutionaries to the core.

Just as men are vulnerable if we don't understand hypergamy, nations are vulnerable to Jews if they don't understand the Jewish worldview.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @Zeb

A Jew once told me something like that Atheists have better merit, are better people, love God more, are more righteous, etc. than all other religions because Atheists think about God more than people who do not call themselves Atheists because they spend all their time thinking about God in order to try to disprove God's existence

"They are for a start, deeply religious, even the "atheist" ones. Maybe especially the atheist ones. "

I don't know about that but I see where you're coming from @shortstories @UncleIroh @Zeb

@basedbagel @Zeb

> Atheists think about God more than people who do not call themselves Atheists because they spend all their time thinking about God

@shortstories is right about that too.

You can interpret Marx's writings as him howling at God. He constantly thought about God, and his Communism is the result of all his resentment, bitternes and anger.

"Religion is the opiate of the masses" could only come from someone jealous of God and with a lust for power.


@UncleIroh @Zeb @shortstories

I agree with you in theory but from what I saw in college these people weren't thinking about God AT ALL based on how they acted.

Bunch of degenerate, braindead junkies.

"Religion is the opiate of the masses" could only come from someone jealous of God and with a lust for power."

That could be true.

But most likely he's just a crackpot commie. Remember Hanlon's Razor.

People like Marx are so delusional that they are doing good for the world.

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@basedbagel @Zeb @shortstories

> But most likely he's just a crackpot commie.

Sigh. Again, I refer you to the components of the Jewish worldview.

If you want a primer on why/how communism and it's bastard son, atheism, are essentially gnostic religions then here:

1. youtube.com/live/HIkOu0BSD-U?s

2. youtu.be/hvrPYaa27pw?si=ICTNL_

They both arrive at largely the same conclusions.

@UncleIroh @Zeb @shortstories

So we're just going to ignore Hanlon's razor because he's a Jew?

You do realize there are plenty of non-jewish commies so if Marx hadn't invented it someone else would have.

As long as there are evious, godless, lazy people communism will never die.

@basedbagel @UncleIroh @Zeb

I do not have a problem with communists as long as they do not use violence on people who are not communists to impose communism

I was trying to explain before that I do not think Karl Marx invented communism

There were other people like Bakunin who Karl Marx purged from a political convention

Moses Hess might have been behind Karl Marx communism as he was a communist born before Karl Marx

Moses Hess is also Jewish

The problem I have with Jews is their racism

@shortstories @basedbagel @UncleIroh @Zeb notice tho how antisemetism is ALWAYS brought up if one is critical of communism, always

@UncleIroh @dictatordave @basedbagel @Zeb

What if communists are only claiming to be Jews so that you can be called an anti-semite if you criticize them but they do not really have Jewish ancestry

What if they are not really communists but saying they support communism so that you give them wealth to give to the poor then they give it to themself instead of the poor?

@shortstories @basedbagel @UncleIroh @Zeb >I do not have a problem with communists as long as they do not use violence on people who are not communists to impose communism
that's the thing though isn't it? It always involves violence against muh counter-revolutionaries

@Kang_Kong3 @basedbagel @UncleIroh @Zeb

A very small percent of people support communism but do not use violence to impose communism on people who do not want it & have actual functioning communes like twin oaks

Technically twin oaks is communist on the inside but not on the outside

They manufacture goods and trade goods with outsiders but they distribute goods with insiders who are members in a communist manner

Adult's are required to work to be members

They can reject membership requests

@shortstories @basedbagel @Zeb

> I do not have a problem with communists as long as they do not use violence on people who are not communists to impose communism

The 20th century would like a word with you.

@basedbagel @Zeb @shortstories

Communism is 100% Jewish.

You are trying to conflate the actual ideology/religion of Communism with Collectivism.

Collectivism is not exclusive to communism and socialism. It’s a broad concept that can be found in a variety of different political, social, and economic systems.

Asian cultures are good examples of this.

@basedbagel @Zeb @shortstories

> So we're just going to ignore Hanlon's razor because he's a Jew?

Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

It's often abused to dismiss or minimize the impact of proven harmful behavior, to absolve people of responsibility for their actions and to use it against situations that don't apply.

In this case, all 3 of those objections are valid.

@UncleIroh @Zeb @shortstories

I judge people on impact > intent.

If your stupidity causes as much damage as an evil person, youre still getting punished.

Idc if you think TWRA is bad because it hurts women's feelings or you're profiting from their unearned freedoms You gotta go

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