I read a story about about some dude who got kicked out of school for sexual harassment.

It's just tragic.

I looked him up The guy was CLEARLY just a persistent unattractive autist, but he doesn't fit the bill of a rapist.

I'll never understand how females find it easier to call the police/dean of a school than tell the guy to fuck off.

Now this dude could have a criminal record for being ugly.

If the females in my life called the cops every time I was awkward I'd be under the jail.

@basedbagel It is because they still want the attention of the beta "orbiter".
THAT is what gives them validation. They also do not want to outright reject a man because it makes them the "bad guy". They want plausible deniability; a way out that absolves them of any wrongdoing.
Nowadays, they will disrespect, insult, and mock men. Modern dating is a "rejection fest: for women.


Good point, It just shocks me because this doesn't pan out in my real life.

Femaies in my life have NO problem rejecting me in public or private.

I've even heard them brag to their friends about it.

When I was in UNI bitches tended to ignore the ugly autists not call the cops on them.

But I guess that's the new meta

@Scubbie @sardonicsmile TBH I see fat bitches the way females see the bottom 80% of men.

I don't.

And their opinions mean nothing to me.


@Scubbie @sardonicsmile

This sounds like dog whistling bagelism.

But I'll let it slide since its the holidays

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