
I finally figured out why I was so trash at pickup

I HATE smalltalking with females.

I think females must have picked up on on my lack of interest in the conversation and took it personally.

I never understood why I had to do all this extra shit when we both know what I'm here for.

I have friends that can talk to females for HOURS and never get bored and TBH idk how they do that because that sounds exhausting.

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They are retarded so the woman is smarter than them and they are enamored by her intelligence


That is why women like black men except the rare smart black men which they do not like because they like to talk to retards

@shortstories lol I wasn't gonna go that far but hey your words not mine.


You should try sign language

Supposedly deaf people like to talk about serious stuff first before small talk as a cultural thing

Plus less competition?

Except do not do it because the prize is losing all your money and going to jail plus a STD if you win the game

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

@basedbagel You turn off the part of your brain that does the serious thinking or just use that time to work on some other project.

Women just talk to make noise.

@brimshae @basedbagel

The Minty Mint Song is the fictional jingle for a brand of mints that was sung multiple times by Reese and Malcolm in the episode Stupid Girl. It is what Reese uses to keep calm when he has stressful things like tests.

Malcolm gets a crush on a girl, Alison, but has problems because he thinks too much. He enlists the help of Reese who shows him how to shut his brain off, but it has bad consequences.

@basedbagel If you don't like smalltalk, you could pick places like clubs which don't allow for that.
But it's not like you have to talk about the weather or engage in long tedious topics, the only purpose of smalltalk is making the girl feel safe around you and show that you can hold a normal conversation with them, without being weird or overly excited. They don't mind if you lack interest, the actual words being exchanged don't matter that much, it's just a test to your composure/status.

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