
Unequivocal proof the south did not give a rat's ass about "states rights" and was trying to protect their slave $$.

1. The Dred Scott decision, widely favored in the South, aimed to infringe on the Northern STATES RIGHTS from limiting slavery within their own borders.

2. In the Bleeding Kansas conflict, proslavery forces tried to force the legalization of slavery in Lecompton. This revealed a broader pro-Southern commitment to slavery, often disregarding the will of the people.


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3. Southerners kept trying to force Northern states to help them capture runaway slaves, violating the Northern STATES RIGHTS.

Later on a Fugitive Slave law forced Northerners to help catch slaves at the south's request. They didn't care about the North's states rights

Southerners who claim to be bations of freedom were against the Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854 with allowed the states RIGHT to choose if they wanted slavery or not.

It was never about freedom, it was ALWAYS about slave $$.



What if the reason there are so many similarities between Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy is because both were written by the same fiction script writers who tried to pretend it was non fiction and neither actually existed

Lincoln–Kennedy coincidences urban legend


I do not believe we can know civil war history because the history after Covid 19 was claimed to exist came from the news and was made up stuff

I have seen fake history created live in real life so now I doubt all of history

@shortstories @basedbagel Gentlemen, I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that we have fought on the wrong side of this war.

Also reminder that the Titanic was most likely sunk deliberately.

@Zerglingman @shortstories

>we have fought on the wrong side of this war.

Yes and no.

IMO there is no "wrong" or right side there are just powerful people with different interests and sadly the freedom lovers got the short end of the stick.

But we can still salvage this personally. Check out the book "How I found freedom in an unfree world" for ideas. (Skip the ancap stuff)

@shortstories I understand there was alot of covid propaganda but Lincoln DEFINITELY existed.

Do have any idea how hard that would be to get so many people to make false accounts of the same fictional man?

Doubting everything is as unreasonable as being a normie believing everything.


It would be very easy to hqve a lot of people write fictional accounts about a man



my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge


The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews is a three-volume work of pseudo-scholarship,[7] published by the Nation of Islam. The first volume, which was released in 1991, asserts that Jews dominated the Atlantic slave trade



Billy Waffen

Patriot Billy Waffen



"Indeed, Maimonides is the focus of much of Shahak’s analysis. Shahak believes that the 12th-century philosopher and talmudist was a Gentile-hater and racist. He quotes Maimonides’ statement that, "their [the Turks and the blacks] nature is like the nature of mute animals, and according to my opinion they are not on the level of human beings" (Guide For the Perplexed, Book III, Chapter 51)."

Maimonides = One of the most important "Jew" scholars


Did Jews really own slaves?
Yes. Jacob Rader Marcus, a historian and Reform rabbi, wrote in his four-volume history of Americans Jews that over 75 percent of Jewish families in Charleston, South Carolina; Richmond, Virginia; and Savannah, Georgia, owned slaves, and nearly 40 percent of Jewish households across the country did.


"slave ownership was much more common in southern urban areas than in the southern countryside. The relatively high proportion of Jewish slaveholding was a function of the concentration of Jews in cities and towns"

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