
Our standard of living is only possible by Chinese kids working like slaves with no social mobility.

While I don't think it's right, if they were paid a fair wage + benefits I could no longer maintain my standard of living.

So while I still don't morally agree with it, I tacitly accept this injustice as I cannot afford a $3,000 smartphone.

I rationalize this in my brain by not being wasteful or lazy so their efforts go to waste. but TBH I'm probly kidding myself.

Food for thought.

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@basedbagel Morality aside, there is a price to pay for depending on slavery.
Once the slaves stop working, all those western lifestyles will come crashing down, painfully. Yes, the West is living off other countries' economies that exploit workers. It's not just Chinese products either and there's nothing you can do about it, the majority has long chosen status and comfort over everything else.

This won't last for much longer and there will be consequences for not producing our own stuff.

@basedbagel Only people that should be slaves are people that are not welcomed. Like thiefs, thugs and other parasites that want to leech from normal citizens.

I hope this system will fail faster.

Because it exploit foreigners and harm people of west. Because they lose jobs and ruin their economies

Same thing can be seen in EU In Germany have many workers from CZ PL to reduce cost for workers

Same thing is in Czech Republic where they hire many easter europeans for cheaper cost

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