One thing I agree with feminists about is unpaid labour... for MEN
The amount of times i've:
1️⃣ Helped put something together for a woman.
2️⃣ Helped move heavy shit free of charge.
3️⃣ Serving as free AAA when her car breaks down
4️⃣ Being a bootleg therapist trying to sort out emotional issues I didn't cause.
Feel free to let me know anything I missed.
I'd love to hear all the unpaid labour you guys do everyday that goes unnoticed and unappreciated.
@basedbagel Simp
@Scubbie Why are you acting like you've never been in a relationship before? lol
Are you insinuating you wouldn't do this if your girlfriend asks you too?
> not done for free but out of love
I agree. The point is that feminists call "emotional labour" things that women do for guys out of love.
My post was mocking that by stating all the things men do that aren't compensated.
>if I helped a whore move I was paid in pussy
Bro what?! I'm so confused.
1st of all why were you helping WHORE move?
2nd of all why were you even using a whore?
You are one wild dude @Scubbie
@basedbagel your question was answered by your question