You're going to a place that's a 7 hour drive away or a 3 hour flight.

Which one are you picking?

Please vote wisely I have a point to prove with this.

@basedbagel 7 hour drive easy. I hate long drives, but it is going to be superior to the 3 hour flight for several reasons.

1st, time. You have to allocate at least 2 hours prior to arrive at the airport before you get on your plane. And depending on how far you live from the airport, you have travel time to account for there too. And then you have the actual flight. After, you have to wait a while just to get off the flight. So at the low end it will take you about 6 hours (if you are lucky).

@basedbagel 2nd, money. Sure, gas will cost you money, but a flight will cost you even more. You easily save money when you drive instead of flying. And given that it comes around to about the same amount of time, you are just choosing if you want to spend more money so that you don't have to be having your hands on the wheel the whole time.



>Gas will cost you money, but a flight will cost you even more.

Good point but there's ways to make flights cheap if you play the
💳 game

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