
You're going to a place that's a 7 hour drive away or a 3 hour flight.

Which one are you picking?

Please vote wisely I have a point to prove with this.

· Edited · · Fedilab · 2 · 0 · 0


Ordinarily the flight, every time.

Now? Well we've all seen the news recently about flight safety fuck-ups and affirmative action.

The predicitive programming means that any non-suicidal person has to now play hi-stakes gambling with their lives anytime they choose to fly.

No-one will be surprised when we hear of multiple fatal airplane crashes this year.

All part of the plan.


>Ordinarily the flight, every time.

My man!

>flight safety fuck-ups and affirmative action

Don't watch the news so I hadn't heard of the first part.

But with AA I'm not really that concerned because I've met some people that are pilots and they're not that bright lol.

Plus we have copilots and autopilot so I'll take my chances.

What really concerns me was the jab mandates causing experienced pilots to retire or go private.

But tbh im biased because I HATE long drives


Don't say I didn't warn you.

WEF types are doing all they can to discourage mass air travel, mostly under the argument of climate change.

Why? Because they want to control all movement and travel for the masses. 15 minute cities, EV cars, CDBC and digital ID's are all part of that same plan.

"BuT thEy TRaveL on PrIVate jEtS!!"

Just shut up, because reasons.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel

I would find the riding in the flying air plane less stressful than riding in a car for that longer amount of time and I would find driving a car for that amount of time even more stressful than riding in one

But what if all the time to prepare for the airplane is more than four hours including waiting lines, paper work, driving to the airport, parking a car in the airport, luggage from the airport, buying a ticket in advance as opposed to leaving any time you want

@basedbagel 7 hour drive easy. I hate long drives, but it is going to be superior to the 3 hour flight for several reasons.

1st, time. You have to allocate at least 2 hours prior to arrive at the airport before you get on your plane. And depending on how far you live from the airport, you have travel time to account for there too. And then you have the actual flight. After, you have to wait a while just to get off the flight. So at the low end it will take you about 6 hours (if you are lucky).

@basedbagel 2nd, money. Sure, gas will cost you money, but a flight will cost you even more. You easily save money when you drive instead of flying. And given that it comes around to about the same amount of time, you are just choosing if you want to spend more money so that you don't have to be having your hands on the wheel the whole time.


Damn I didn't consider those things that's a good point...

I'm still ✈️ though lol I love that I can sleep on the way and don't have to worry about speeding tickets/traffic.

From personal exp I trust pilots >>>>> drivers since it's much easier to do get w license to do the latter than the former.

Also once I get my $ right I'm flying business class every time I fly so I can lay down and relax in style 😎

@basedbagel @houseoftolstoy

Fun facts: depending on how long your flight and/or the type of plane used, booking a private jet will cost you anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000 per hour flying.


@UncleIroh @houseoftolstoy

Me trying to count how much my broke ass needs to save to fly private for 5 minutes

@basedbagel @DoubleD @houseoftolstoy

Approx 1300 private jets attended Davos this year.

All the prostitutes and escorts were fully booked out.

All the gay rentboys were fully booked out.

God knows how much drugs were flown in and supplied.

Guaranteed they had the finest chefs serving all kinds of meats and fish.

These are the self-titled elites who want you to stop eating meat and stop flying, smh.


@DoubleD @houseoftolstoy

That's how you know they're full of it.

They should start with themselves is they care about the planet so much smdh

And I will never understand that pansexual/orgy life.

Truly irredeemable geriatric degenerates


>Gas will cost you money, but a flight will cost you even more.

Good point but there's ways to make flights cheap if you play the
💳 game

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