@basedbagel It is? Let's see.
Augustus Gloop - Gluttony
Veruca Salt - Greed
Violet Beauregarde - Pride
Mike Teavee - Sloth
Don't know who would be Envy, Wrath, or Lust. But 4 of them at least seem to fit. Though I would have wonder how you came to finding this out. Was it on your own, or was it from some other source? Because this is the first I have heard of this being a thing.
Its one of my favorite movies so I think about it alot and the idea popped up on my head.
Though I doubt im the first person to come to this conclusion as it seems kinda obvious in hindsight but I saw it as a kid so I was just blissfully unaware singing along to the music lol
What made you say Mike TV was sloth? I always thought of him as wrath with how much he bitched at his parents.
I see your point now that actually makes more sense.
I agree it would be interesting to see his take on it.
Whenever I get a minute I'm going to look into it and see what I can dig up.
The lesson of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is
bad things will happen to you if you break the rules
or rules exist to protect you from bad things that will happen if you disobey them
Is this true about all rules? No
Is this true about some rules in some circumstances? Yes
I saw the theme differently.
I always thought the theme of Charlie and the chocolate factory was that your vices can help you (All of the kids vices got them into the factory) but will ultimately be your demise if you don't correct yourself.
I only say from it that your vices can harm you & did not realise that it showed how they can help people
The person yelling at their dad if they do not get what they want represents Wrath
I do not believe in the Ultramontane Roman Catholic Church which was fabricated in 1870
But there are two primary approaches to Catechising done by different Catholic Sects in how they teach that are supposedly both reflected in the Vatican 2 or post Vatican 2 Catechism
1 Sin is a lack of exercising virtue
2 Sin is violating a list of rules
I do not think that seven deadly sins vs breaking rules are necessarily mutually exclusive themes but partly overlap
@basedbagel @houseoftolstoy
Charlie and the chocolate factory is a horror movie
Which does not mean it is not a warning about the seven deadly sins