Working with mostly guys lately and it's SO better than working with mostly women in real estate.

No backstabbing, fakery, constant monitoring, screwing each other over, grudges held. Everyone actually helps and goes BEYOND for each other.

I've even found the black men in society who show up to work, have real intelligence, have manners, and are willing to drive an hour to get to work.

It's a JOY.

For all the "positivity in the workplace," it was awful. But THIS group is more respectful.


Amen brother. The one time I worked with an all male older-guy team I loved it.

Competence off the charts, genuine cooperation, good banter, no fucking dramas at all, huge productivity. I miss that place.

The sheer amount of stuff that can get done with a good team of guys has to be seen to be believed sometimes.




Consider yourselves lucky.

The only time I had ANY sanity was working for myself.

Companies can have a good culture but bring >2 nepo babies, DEI dummies or women and it's so over. They're cancer.

IME Most guys are usually gay/cucked if young. If old theyre smart but stubborn.

Minorities are either retarted or talented, no in-between.

ALL girls: All they do is deliberate, delegate, and bloviate while blame shifting and backstabbing.

I wish my biz took off...

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