@dander @Tfmonkey

We need to judge their intentions by ther results, at this point, I believe they plan to destroy the country of ukraine and its people too, when the dust settles the ckuntry will be up for grabs, free land and nobody alive to lay claim to it. Say hello to the 15 minute cities and massive investment from IMF loans and ridiculous interest rates to rebuild everything. The nation will be put as collateral and it will all be sold off to the ultra mega global jew elite.

@Tfmonkey @37712 will this be the line eurocucks will draw the line on? muh wimins muh holes

@dander @Tfmonkey my dad is a doctor he stupidly got the vax and tried so many times to scare me and force me to get the vax, now he regrets getting it, since he did he has had all the usual vax symptoms from heat issues to skin conditions, I know my dad is not long for this world, He finally seems my side of things and regrets taking the mark of the beast but it is too late for him now.


@37712 @Tfmonkey wow sorry bud ur dad is kill. blows my mind . as a doctor he would know just how much generally medical malpractice kills people every year and he would just research fizer as they been sued to the tone of millions dare i ssay billions but nope . he didn't even look into that

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@dander @Tfmonkey he did not think, he just trusted that other ppl did the science for him

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