
@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic wow ok , looks like assassination games have began. would have thought they use sniper

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@dander @Tfmonkey nah they tried that before it wouldn't look good a 2nd time round people would wise up

@dander @Tfmonkey is that real? Or a deepfake I can't tell anymore it would be fucking comedy gold of Greta thunberg went into porn after shaming Andrew Tate for running a cam business

@VooDooMedic @dander if there was actual Greta nudes on the internet, the media would let us know.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @dander Dander has posted multiple "nudes" of Greta now. Seems to have saved up a collection. Guess he's a tard wrangler. Someone who goes down on downies. A seducer of the spectrum.

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