
@Tfmonkey I have a theory about the "losing blood/iron and higher T levels." My thought is that the drop in iron levels triggers a response to the body to produce testosterone as a survival reflex. As in "Oh shit, this could mean death! Get those T levels pumping so that we can make it through this."

If my theory is correct, this is not a great idea to raise your T levels.

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@houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey The only time a Therapeutic Blood Draw is prescribed is when your hematocrit gets too high, while a guy is on Testosterone Replacement Therapy or on anabolic steroids. Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts do this when they see the indicators in the regular blood work.

@sardonicsmile @houseoftolstoy It's just something I've heard, but honestly you just need to take a look at your life and judge for yourself if you're happy and living your best life or not instead of relying on what a chart says.

@Tfmonkey @houseoftolstoy You heard correctly. This is a typical prescription. The premise on the iron levels being too high is not particularly correct. High iron can cause a negligible decrease in testosterone, only because your body senses this and returns you to homeostasis by not absorbing the iron and it gets flushed from the system through excretion.

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