
You can find out if someone is "moderate" or more "extreme" on the political spectrum based on who they support in the Israel/Palestine conflict. And by extreme, I mean both the left and the right. "Teams are being scrambled!"

Challenge to anyone: name me a politician on the right that is not supporting Israel. While most left and right establishment politicians support Israel, I have only seen examples on the left support Palestine.

Therefore, there are no extreme right wing politicians.

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@houseoftolstoy being pro israel is the establishment position in america, and probably the west in general.

@ButtWorldsMan Yep. Pretty sure unless you are someone like Ilhan Omar, you are going to be politically blacklisted if you do not go "rah rah Israel."


David Duke was elected? David Duke does not support Israel

Not any current ones that I know of who were elected or running for office mentioned a large public media outlet

@shortstories I don't think he is holding any office, so no. They most certainly have to be elected in my challenge. Being a "pundit" or "movement leader" does not count.


Do Ron Paul and or Rand Paul at least not support spending money or going to wars on behalf of Israel?

Or are Ron Paul and or Rand Paul making an exception to their anti war anti government spending policies?

@shortstories That may qualify. I don't know that either Ron or Rand voiced support for Palestine, but not being full-bore for Israel is certainly different than many others.


They probably have not said you should support Palestine

At best they just did not approve a budget to send money to support Israel or approve going to war to support Israel

They also would oppose going to war to support Palestine or spending money to support Palestine

Dr. Rand Paul Joins Resolution to Support Israel, Condemn Hamas Terrorists

Rand Paul Blocking Iron Dome Funding Comes Back to Haunt Him


Vincent James of the Red Elephants claims to have considerable political influence over a specific region of Idaho supports republican Candidates and is Anti Israel but supports Donald Trump

There might be anti Israel Republican Candidates in the part of Idaho he is in but this would not be federal level candidates


Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene accused several U.S. lawmakers of "supporting" terrorism, as she claimed Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and others are helping to fund the militant group Hamas amid the current conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Every antisemitic thing Marjorie Taylor Greene has said and done (so far)

@houseoftolstoy You just don't talk bad about The people that control The money supply Is funny that BLM have that position don't understanding that their money comes from ZIONIST

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