I'm sorry but I had to drop Rick and Morty.

Morty is a 14 YEAR OLD BOY.why is there a scene of him getting sexually assaulted?

What kind of psychopath finds a minor getting raped entertainment?

Call me a snowflake but nothing about rape is entertaining to me. Especially not minors.

Sick Hollywierd freaks have to inject their perverted degenerate fantasies into anything they make! 😡


@basedbagel I am so sorry that your IQ is too low to appreciate the highly intellectual masterpiece known as Rick and Morty. Maybe if you read more books, got at least a Master's degree at a prestigious university and trust the science you could understand just how great a show it is.

But you didn't! Excuse me while I smoke weed and listen to Sam Harris for the next 10 hours, exactly what a true intellectual would do!

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@houseoftolstoy @basedbagel it was a brilliant show, i think part of it was to see if they could make a sci-fi show that is super high tech, yet uses only gibberish science. Also like the literature/writing nerd jargon and concepts they introduce on the show.


Same here.

Writing was great, animation was fluid.

I just wish it came out of another country less satanic like Japan.

Or someone could edit out the gay parts for me.

It's not like they added anything to the story anyway.

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