
The great thing about not being a sports fan is that when a big event happens, you can ignore all the hype. Same thing goes for the Olympics.

I am sure many people competing are happy to do so. But I have no connection to these people and have no collective sense of pride for "our country's athletes" when it comes to this event or any other event.

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@houseoftolstoy indeed. Olympics were THE event where NATIONS competed. nowadays, who cares.. it's a sign of broken society. the decay continues.

@houseoftolstoy Yea I ignore most of the stuff.

I am only interested in science and technology. Next are movies, TV S and games.

and I look out for important events in the world.

@houseoftolstoy I will always say that I defend being a sports "fan" it is nice to follow lightly, and to watch on the side. Of course following it so much you buy all the merch & ignore anything else is retarded. But there is still some fun in it beyond the big events & it definitely does wonders to brush up on the popular sport for your region to fit in with normies. The Olympics are retarded, but that doesn't need to be said at this point.

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