YouTube | Why Conservatives Can't Make Culture
@kaiservenom The West already lost when they adopt an Etopian Religion like Christianity as Their main represetation of their values disgusting and rotten to The core.
You don't know what you're talking about.
The people in power today are anti-christianity and it's no coincidence the biggest group of opposition to the left's follies of abortion, trannies and vaccines are religious.
You need to eat more meat and read the bible.
@basedbagel @kaiservenom I had read The Bible what my understand Joseph The adoptive father of Jesus got Cuck cause Jesuschrist wasn't His biological son.
To have a hand in raising the son of man isn't being cucked but you wouldn't understand because you're an atheist.
@kaiservenom Indeed, he's describing observable reality. Throughout history, culture has always been enforced by the groups in power and the masses merely adopt it.
Now compare this to grifters like Tim Pool who say "Politics is downstream from Culture", we need to fight the cUlTuRe wAr and buy his albums.
Conservatives can't make culture for the same reason they can't "conserve" anything, because they're losers. They lost, they didn't have the balls to stand up to women nor to their enemies.