@kaiservenom @Tfmonkey Still can't read that text in the bottom left. Though it is not necessary as it implies a whole lot of mental gymnastics to assume that you can be "libertarian left." Equality (or more accurately the attempt at it) can only come about with overt force from the top. This is why I have more respect for Auth-Lefts that Lib-Lefts, at least they are honest about what they would need to do in order to pursue their goals.

@Tfmonkey @houseoftolstoy @kaiservenom Equality Stabiltiy and Freedom are good descriptors but I think the French had better meme-ability with Equality, Fraternity, Liberty.

@nugger @veff @Tfmonkey @houseoftolstoy @kaiservenom I'll take cold pussy, warm beer, and shitting in the woods at this point.
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