This is a merovingian breaking news alert!

@mrhorsetwat has been spotted in America.

@UncleIroh @mrhorsetwat
Okay we have more details on this story. The suspect has emptied the van of HALF the donuts to get the cops off his trail. By then he only had 2000 donuts left as he stress ate 3k during his getaway. He is now targeting a steakhouse.

@ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat

[In a David Attenborough nature documentary voice]:

"Now that he has consumed over 700,000 calories, the fat Maldovan must now find a suitable place to rest before entering the pupal stage of the Maldovan lifecycle.

Once he emerges 3 months later, his transformation will be complete. Sporting brand new plastic track pants and a bottle of vodka, he will go on to steal the nearest bicycle and go in search of a mate."


@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan Stealing bicycles is a romanian hobby. I steal food trucks.

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