
@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic I can't verify the source but apparently Germany is producing MREs and rations and other military supplies with instructions in the Romanian language. Either this is just a nothing burger or NATO want to prepare Moldova to fight Russia. 25% of our citizens live abroad to make money and a majority are fighting age men. NATO is retarded for thinking that my country can even put a dent into Russia.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic The Regime will use up every Europhile Eastern European to hurt Russia. It's only money to them. Your lives mean nothing. You're pawns to be used up and sacrificed for Moloch.

@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
Your only chance is to learn from Ukraine and fight the real eternal enemy instead of sacrificing your country for feminism and buttsex.

@Zeb @mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic The Right will sign up to die for Israel after Trump is elected.

@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic

Vlad the Impaler



The Ottoman Sultan, Mehmed II, ordered Vlad to pay homage to him personally, but Vlad had the Sultan's two envoys captured and impaled. In February 1462, he attacked Ottoman territory, massacring tens of thousands of Turks and Muslim Bulgarians.

His name had its origin in the sobriquet of his father, Vlad Dracul ("Vlad the Dragon" in medieval Romanian)

@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
It's funny you think this is about NATO harming Russia and not just extermination of various peoples.

Getting all the men ~~Rick~~ steamrolled by Russia just means they need to import more foreigners.
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