This undercover footage provides a small window into what the underlings in the Biden cabinet think about the Jewish/Israel problem:

Now, of course at the end of the day it's all theatre and Biden would never actually oppose Israel, nor does he actually have the power to do it, but it's still interesting to hear what they believe in. And he's 100% correct that Jews are all Israel first and want America to support genocide, like TFM's Jewish/zionist cohost.

@37712 @Tfmonkey My comment is about TFM's cohost, not TFM himself. This isn't something I'm expecting a response to either, as there's nothing to discuss. Halsey is a zionist, by definition. It's not an insult, it's a fact, one he probably wouldn't even mind admitting. He also says what's happening in Gaza isn't genocide and that he's not against the war.

I don't think I'm "calling anyone out", I'm simply acknowledging Halsey's own words.

@Based_Accelerationist @37712 @Tfmonkey
Also why would anyone expect Halsey to have a different opinion considering we hold the SAME opinion? That the enemies of humanity must be defeated.
The only difference realistically is he's on the other side.

@Zeb Indeed, but Jews like Halsey wear a convincing conservative mask, that tends to fool anyone who isn't aware of their beliefs. Sure, Halsey is pro patriarchy, the second amendment and closed borders... for his own tribe. He doesn't openly admit it, but it's clear by his words and tone, that he delights in the destruction and degradation of western men/culture. I noticed this, even before I was sold on the JQ thing, but now I know it to be the norm among their group.

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