

Allegations in

get death penalty under new law

@sardonicsmile - Child support sounds fair and reasonable as a concept, upon first hearing it.

@YoMomz @sardonicsmile Its a weapon

State Mandated
((( Child support )))
((( Divorce settlement)))
((( Alimony )))
((( No Fault divorce)))
((( Pussy Pass)))

@sardonicsmile - In a different timeline, if women didn't have rights, they wouldn't be in charge of filing criminal complaints for rape (of child or woman). 🤔

In the two cases of female child rape I'm personally familiar with... neither offender was ever prosecuted or reported. In the time that has passed, it came out that both offenders had multiple victims.

Why? Well, my conclusion is because it was women making the decisions - aside from the offense itself, of course. 🥃

@YoMomz @sardonicsmile Rape isnt even considered rape
if its done by a Lesbian or female in Australia

@sardonicsmile - But a vindictive ex-wife would have no problem prosecuting an innocent man. And a scared woman can absolutely be intimidated into not reporting an actual offender.

And all of this, is yet another reason why women MUST NOT have rights. They are utterly incapable of protecting a family - even with a police state at their beck and call.

The mere decision required - the taking of any measure of responsibility... It's too much for them. And children suffer - and pass that on.

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