
NASA declared at least part of the footage NASA gave to the public were simulated or in other words in this context fake

Some parts of the video footage NASA gave to the public say in big upper case capital letters,



Video Title

Historic Apollo 11 Moon Landing Footage

youtube channel


@shortstories @UncleIroh Boomers worship the TV. To them, something being on it, with the exception of sci-fi and high fantasy, is real and factual. Reality TV hit them like a cannonball to the gut, they don't realize it's fake, staged, and exaggerated. They try to behave like the actors they see on TV. And this is in current year. How much more so in 1969?


@Mongoliaboo @UncleIroh

"The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals performed from January to March 1946 by author, pioneer rocket-fuel scientist and occultist Jack Parsons"


"Plasticized variants of Parsons' solid-fuel design invented by JPL's Charles Bartley were later used by NASA"


Jack Parson was connected with NASA and it's space Magick

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