Just in case anyone has any doubt or confusion that Communism == Jews == Judaism

@UncleIroh Karl Marx came from a jewish family. It's all the synagogue of satan the bible warned everyone about.

@Zeb @UncleIroh

I'm going to hold off replying on this till i'm done with a few chapters of 200 years together.

@basedbagel @Zeb @UncleIroh

Moses (Moritz)[2] Hess (21 January 1812 – 6 April 1875)[1] was a German-Jewish philosopher, early communist and Zionist thinker.[3] His socialist theories led to disagreements with Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.[4] He is considered a pioneer of Labor Zionism


Theodor Herzl[a] (2 May 1860 – 3 July 1904)[3] was an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist and political activist who was the father of modern political Zionism.


@basedbagel @Zeb @UncleIroh

Moses Hess might have created both Statist Communism and Zionism together

before Marx and Theodore made them "separately" and at later times

In other words Marxist Statist Communism and Zionism might not have been two separate creations but both part of a single plan to exterminate Christians and enslave everyone without a Ashkenazi nor Sephardic Jewish mother who is not exterminated


@basedbagel @Zeb @UncleIroh

Moses Hess Jew
Karl Marx Jew
Engels ( gentile ? )

Worked together but I am not sure which one started statist communism first

If Hess started both it and zionism first that would support but not necessarily be sufficient alone before considering other factors to prove my point

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