Til most of you guys that follow me aren't even truly alt right.

A true alt right would be people like Curtis Yarvin that advocate for a Monarchy

@basedbagel I would choose aristocracy over monarchy.

Monarchy is good when you have good monarch or else you get Tyranny.

@Stahesh @basedbagel

National Anarchism is the only correct answer TM

Sure National Anarchism is inclusive of other answers but I insist it is the only correct answer

And if people are not calling you a Nazi then you are not Alt Right enough even if you are not a Nazi you have to be called one

@shortstories @Stahesh

I just google national anarchism and it has NO basis is reality whatsoever.

It's just like Anarcho-capitalism.

It sounds good but there's no way it could work.


@basedbagel @Stahesh

What information source did you use to learn about it? What links did you find on google?

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

@shortstories @Stahesh

Ngl I just googled it and looked at the read the wikipedia page lol that shit didn't make any real-world sense but it sure sounded good.

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