@ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

Do you think google Chromebooks will work

They are supposed to do linux somehow but have their own operating system you log into first before you launch linux I think

@shortstories @UncleIroh No . Because Chromebooks are owned by Google . So if Microsoft does that movement Google will follow . And Apple will do the same .

@ugly_bastard_reborned @UncleIroh

So what is left over?

Is there a computer you can buy that comes with linux installed that is not one of those three companies?

What about old computers with old operating system versions?

@shortstories You need to get a computer with Windows and install a Linux . Or if you have an old laptop install Linux there and learn . And move to Linux . I don't recommend doing the dual boot installing the Windows and Linux in the same hard drive . If you have a computer buy an extra hard drive and install Linux there .


Google Chromebooks claim to be designed to be able to use Linux as a default feature



If I am stuck with a choice between google & microsoft I do not trust either one but the chromebook has a better operating system than microsoft windows because it installs less things against your will having less software bloat and running faster

@shortstories If you have a notebook with Windows you can buy an extra hard disk and install Linux and do dual boot .

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