Since everyone is making up privileges I want to throw my hat in the ring.

1. Favorite child privilege- Parents unequally allocate resources to kids they like best.

This is unjust as kids can't control how much their parents like them.

Ex. My sister dropped out of school to be a prostitute and my family still supports her.

Meanwhile I'm the black 🐑 of the family due to my crazy conspiracy theories.

Woe is me



You can control it

Just do not mention conspiracy facts and lie to them and they will like you better except that maybe even if you never mention conspiracy facts again then they still might not like you because they remembered that you said them before

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You debunked your own message lol 😂

Parents like the kids that remind them most of themselves.

It was SO over before it ever began.

@basedbagel @shortstories
Can confirm.

My baby sister cannot do wrong.
They supported her throughout. I was left to fend for myself and to figure it out on my own. No forward guidance.

It is in large part because I am a male and she was a female.



OMG literally same story!

People get daughter and deep throat the blue pill.

She's a woman therefore she deserves all $, attention, and parental support.

Racks up a 6 fig debt just to be a hoe anyway!!

Meanwhile I'm in school by scholarship and still no one cares.

At this point I only associate with my family out of guilt and Machiavellian utility

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