One of problems with heaven and hell.

If this concept existed so there must exist equivalent for opposite kind of people.

Where bad people are rewarded and good people punished.

Like thiefs would enjoy eternally stealing in their version of heaven.

Or killers would enjoy eternally killing people in their version of heaven.

@kaiservenom @Stahesh

I am not sayng whether or not heaven & hell exist but your objection does not make sense

Heaven must have closed borders & a strict immigration policy to prevent people who like torturing other people from entering else heaven will become Hell

In Hell people who like to torture other people go. If they are allowed to meet people who like torturing other people they will suffer torture from other torturers or alternatively they will suffer through solitary confinement.

@kaiservenom @Stahesh

Everybody likes stealing but nobody likes having their stuff stolen

Heaven will be people who have sacrificed the rewards of stealing in exchange for the benefit of not being stolen from.

Hell will be people who get to steal as much as they want but will always be poor because someone steals from them as soon as they steal something.

Hell will be big Government Communism not Anarcho Communism nor Voluntary Communism nor a voluntary commune


@kaiservenom @Stahesh

There could be a taking things from people with their consent without them knowing it competition in heaven

It would not be stealing but only practicing similar skills to what thieves use as a sort of consensual voluntary game

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