Wow I've heard @Tfmonkey make some bad arguments before but at:4:53 he makes a HORRIBLE argument. His argument is that single mother-hood rates by race have changed over time thus concludes genetics aren't a factor. Race/genetics are a factor, it's just not the sole factor. Not a difficult concept to grasp.

@CheshireHuman @Tfmonkey

I think that African Americans since after welfare have become geneticly inferior to African Americans before welfare over the generations

@shortstories @Tfmonkey Naturally as you would expect with the removal of Darwinian pressures.

@CheshireHuman @shortstories @Tfmonkey agreed, there is a reason why jewish methods to destroy society worked better on the nighers

@37712 @CheshireHuman @shortstories

- calls me out for not blaming genetics.

- immediately concedes the problem is welfare.

Do you think . . . welfare is genetic?


@CheshireHuman @Tfmonkey @37712

Welfare creates artificial selection pressure that effects genetics

The percent of people born who are genetically incapable of getting resources by other means than welfare increases the more generations a large group of people is given welfare because those who should have died out before they could reproduce are enabled to reproduce through welfare to an increasing amount

They are a net loss to society and would kill their own team if drafted

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