@Tfmonkey What is your opinion on coffee?
Because I would like to know if it is good or bad.
When I look on the internet people say how good and magical it is.
So far I know only that it has vasoconstrictive properties, meaning that blood vessels narrow to restrict blood flow
affect sleep, adrenalin glands and increase blood pressure.
@Stahesh I hate the taste of coffee and black tea. I drink green tea which has less caffeine and healthy antioxidants.
@Tfmonkey when I drink green tea on empty stomach I will get upset stomach. After drinking coffee I do not have this problem.
@Stahesh @koropokkur @Tfmonkey
I have met many people claiming dependancy on coffee to stay awake and withdrawal symptoms for quitting
Scientific Journal Articles claims caffeine improves marathon performance and I believe that above a certain dose is banned in the olympics
I think websites claim it is good for your liver
Some people claim it is poisonous to drink but that because it is pousonous coffeee enemas help your body expel toxins in the attempt to expel coffee
@shortstories @koropokkur @Tfmonkey It depend how quickly you drop coffee and how much doses
and few days after quiting with average to medium doses quickly your will have problem to stay away and sleep hit you hard because you numb the sleep receptores so they will need few days to adapt.
But if you slowly do lesser doses every day and when you stop you will have no side effect
Like from 2 spoons you do 1 after 1 you do 1/2 and after you do 1/4 and now you can stop with almost no problem.
@Stahesh @koropokkur @Tfmonkey
Some websites I believe claimed coffee is good for your liver
If I did drink coffee for health benefits then I would try decaffinated ( spelling ? ) with the caffeine removed but I do not know if it removes beneficial chemicals when caffeine is removed
Even decaffinated coffee might have more caffeine than green tea because they do not remove caffeine completely if I remember correctly