Can you buy a computer with linux preinstalled and with Linux as the only operating system

Or do you have to start with

1 Microsoft Operating System + Linux

2 Apple Operating System + Linux

3 Google Operating System + Linux

@shortstories I think you can buy parts and build your PC and install your own OS

Or maybe if they PC without OS so you can instal your own



"I think you can buy parts and build your PC and install your own OS"

I am too clumsy to do that and not smart enough to do that

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 0

@shortstories Same but managed to do so after 2-3 days of few hours building my PC and reading manuals for optimal setting

Most of the time is pretty simple it is like puzzle ports are pretty simple and can't put it wrong way because design will not let you.


Is it fragile?

Can you make a laptop or only a desktop that way?

@shortstories I think you can't make laptops because they are factory made and even lack of modifications.

But ofr PC you can buy cases and every part you want or is compatible with other parts.

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