Because the Orthdodox Jewish religion advocates for enslavement or death of all those they classify as Goyim
In order to remove a hate group we would need to purge the world of Orthodox Judasim
If hate groups should not be tolerated then Orthodox Judaism should not be tolerated
I am not advocating for the death of any people
People can choose to change religions
Purging of a religion does not require death
@shortstories that why, the made it the most protected religion in the world, what i don't get is. Why destroy the verybthing that is protecting them.
1 I would prefer to solve a conflict without people dying if that is possible
2 If all the Jews changed their religion to not be Jews then that could avoid conflict because the Jewish religion endorses violence against all those they classify as Goyim
3 It might not be legal to advocate for the death of anyone
4 I am not saying not to use self defense if you are attacked. I think it is legal to advocate for self defense in the event that you are attacked