Maybe am late to the party but, this ghost jobs shit is bullshit and should be ilegal. Companies posting fake positions just to look good and that they are growing.

Just like trust fund and corporations owning single family homes is bullshit too. i remember my previous landlord, it was with him directly, now the house was bought by a company.

i have to wait on the phone for the secretary to accept my payment.

@RodrickSage Its bullshit but I fight fire w/ fire and use AI to apply for jobs now.

@basedbagel @RodrickSage That is also a policy of HR to interview candidates in case they want to fire anyone . Don't forget about that . Also they usually post the job but they have already choosen one for the position to they conduct the interviews just to say : "Lol we interviewed a lot of candidates" .

@ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel @RodrickSage I can’t do Interviews, I have worked skilled labor union most of my carrier you know what your Benifits are and pay before you hire on sometimes the duration is not noted but nothing is permanent,I went for maintenance gigs with resumes and tests,when interviewed at the scary table of queers I stated look do you want someone to take test or someone who can fix your shit,the Frat boys laughed then low balled me,Oh you want test takers,I’m out


@Scubbie @basedbagel @RodrickSage Ok but in case you need the job you will need to act .

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