In modern times, a good man is defined as someone who makes himself useful to and serves women.

In ancient times, philosophers defined a good man as one who acts with wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation.

No ancient philosopher ever defined a good man in relation to serving women, taking care of women, providing for women, etc.

My hunch is that it began with Christianity wherein "good men" sacrificed their lives for God, and in time gynocentrism replaced sacrifice for God with women.


@Tfmonkey Fuck TFM, I dont even know what this country even sacrifices for, woke culture, satanism, communism, progressivism, NPCs just do as their masters program them to do. there are so few of us real players that I doubt that we can even help shape the future, if I ever make it rich I would just join the cathedral, why fight them when you can join them right.

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