I see alot of people saying that women win in the short term but lose in the long term.

This is just not true. I know PLENTY of women 30-45 who finesse men and are still living the dream.

@basedbagel Finally, someone said it.
There are women in their 50's and beyond who still can win sex, relationships and well paying, cushy jobs. They can still manipulate men with expert level strategy and tactics. They do this better than MOST men in their Prime years.


@sardonicsmile @basedbagel would you say that these women are in the majority or they are the exeption to the rule? I know some of these women too but in my experience they are the ezeption to the rule.


In my life I've yet to see a woman hit rock bottom.

Society is setup to protect all women. Some may slip though the cracks but they're rhe exceptions

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