I see alot of people saying that women win in the short term but lose in the long term.

This is just not true. I know PLENTY of women 30-45 who finesse men and are still living the dream.

@basedbagel Finally, someone said it.
There are women in their 50's and beyond who still can win sex, relationships and well paying, cushy jobs. They can still manipulate men with expert level strategy and tactics. They do this better than MOST men in their Prime years.

Thank you! @sardonicsmile someone who actually goes outside.

All these bitches crying online are just crying for attention.

i hate to admit it but women NEVER lose.

I know a girl who ran up 150K+ in student loans and paid it off via hoeing. She now lives better than me who finished UNI...

The ONLY time women "lose" is if they wait too long to have a kid. In which case they can just adopt one.

Society is setup for women to never lose. Because if the do we go extinct.

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile do you think that this girl you know who ran a $150k debt will win ij the end when she is in her 50s, sure she might be better off now cuz she whored herself in her 20s 30s and maybe if she has the good genes in her 40s too but how long do you think that will last? These women never leave well enough alone, they are always looking to break it for something better.

@37712 @sardonicsmile

Depends on how you define winning.

She works half as much as me and makes more $$ so in my eyes she's winning.

I know women 35-50 who still have men chasing them. The wall is a myth as long as you dont want kids.

The default state of a woman is miserable, so she'll never be "happy".

But she will ALWAYS be taken care of.


@basedbagel @sardonicsmile look, what you are basically telling me is that as long as women stay single and attractive they can easily win at life, I completely agree with you on that, but even the girls with the best genes that stay attractive in their 40s, maybe even early 50s they eventually loose at regret not having a family to look after them. And again the women who remain attractive in the 40s and win at life like you say, they are very very few, they are definitely not the norm

@37712 @sardonicsmile

It seems like you're projecting masculine values onto women

Women don't care about things like family. They don't do well with long term thinking.

They care about having fun, getting attention and maybe children

Women don't need to do ANYTHING to get male attention.

They have all the welfare and there are more than enough men to go around.

It's impossible for a woman to be in the West and fail at life.

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile I completely agree with you, women dont care about having families and generally dont have the ability to plan ahead for long term problems, but that does not mean they win at life because they had it good and easy in the here and now. You say that it is imposible for a womam to fail in life in todays age but some how they are making all the "poor" choices that lead directly to that.

@37712 @sardonicsmile Again you're projecting masculine standards on to a woman.

I define winning as doing what you want, when you want, with who you want.

Women have everything they desire and while there is less when they get older the wall is a myth.

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile then the problem is that we have different standard/definition with what winning at life means. I dont considere winning in the here and now and winning at life, I considere winning most if the time in your life, specially in your old age when you need it the most as winning at life. Hell, to me leaving decendants who will have your culture and values is in some ways winning at life.

@37712 @sardonicsmile

No the problem is you don't understand how women think.

You cant define winning by adult standards and apply it to a child.

It doesn't work that way.

Check with the older women in your life, I think you'll be shocked at how well they're doing.

@basedbagel @sardonicsmile

"You cant define winning by adult standards and apply it to a child"

yes you can, even a child knows when they are lousing and they tend to through a temper tantrum for it.

"Check with the older women in your life, I think you'll be shocked at how well they're doing"

I look around in my life and at my work and single women are doing meh at best for the old generation, and for the new generation of women it is not good. they are lonely, on anti depressants and sad.

@37712 @basedbagel @sardonicsmile At least 25% of women are on some form of psychiatric medication or depression medication, and every generation since I believe the Gen X (the generation born into second wave feminism) has increasingly been taking antidepressants. Plus this generation of women is far less happy than the women of the 1950s and 60s, women are spoiled children, sure their lives are easier than ours but they are objectively not content in modern western society.


@37712 @sardonicsmile

Women by nature are not content. That doesn't mean they lose.

Women have control over the course, school, and every institution.

Men have lost so much we have to talk behind anonymous profiles on the asshole of the internet.

@37712 @basedbagel @sardonicsmile The wall is real as Rollo stated it’s not just biological but also psychological. A woman in her 30s and 40s that’s still reasonably attractive and takes care of herself, will still get dick and attention but she will not even come close to outcompeting her younger 18-25 year old self. Her 18-25 year old self would run circles around her in the open sexual marketplace. Also the quality men she can attract goes exponentially down, so she has to settle or be alone


@37712 @sardonicsmile

Again these red pill talking points don't hold up in real life.

Less dudes /= no dudes.

Plus you underestimate the desperation of men.

A 45+ woman can still have a guy younger than her making more than her. She just can't have kids or a perfect 10 guy... What a travesty

@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @sardonicsmile

"A 45+ woman can still have a guy younger than her"

Yes, a few womam can but again the 45+ women who can do that are like 1 in 1 million, they got the good genes but even then the relationship does not last, they dont stay together for long in the end they where just together for fun and the women always ends up sad and alone


I could noy agree more with you

I am not sure what kind of depression @basedbagel is going through right now that he thinks women are winning at life, I have never in my life seen a group of ppl more empty and sad than the modern women. @basedbagel thinks that we are making it up that women are lousing, I guess he does not understand where the term left over women comes from.

@sardonicsmile not sure if you still even what to be in this conversation


@I_AmTheKnight @sardonicsmile

I'm happy as a clam I just go outside and realized RP talking points don't hold up to scrutiny.

YOU see them as empty because you're judging them based on YOUR masculine standard of winning.

If you judge them based on their standard they'll say they're living their best life.

You can say leftover women all you want but that doesn't hold up in reality because men are the ones killing themselves and dropping out of the workforce.

@37712 @I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel Perhaps "winning at life" is an overstatement. Nevertheless, broadly speaking, he is correct. This system is designed to transfer money, wealth, protection, and power from men to women. The zeitgeist itself admonishes anything that prevents or anyone who even speaks about the injustice of this. Even *talking* about this is considered "counterculture". Women, regardless of age have it infinitely easier and have more options than MOST men, in our Prime.

@sardonicsmile Now this I agree more with, yes the system is against men, yes women have it on easy mode, we all agree with that, but women winning at life, no noy really.

@basedbagel equates having your way in the here and now as winning at life, as if being first place at the beggining of a race somehow means that you win the race, and I say NO, who ever crosses the finish line first wins the race.


@37712 @sardonicsmile @basedbagel I forgot to mention, that there’s a Morgan Stanley study called The She Economy which states that by 2030 45% of women between the ages of 25-44 will be single and childless, and the reason for their research is to determine what to invest in since women purchase 85% of consumer goods, and it’s projected that wine and chocolate consumption will increase exceptionally by that time. Women do have it easier than men objectively but hard times are coming for them.


@37712 @sardonicsmile

Good stats but if you think hard times are coming for women that's never gonna happen.

Take Ukraine for example. All the men are dying left and right for a losing war.

The women? Just finding another man in a different country to sleep with.

Hard times are only coming for men.

@basedbagel @37712 @sardonicsmile Hard times are coming for women in the western world when the welfare state and US dollar finally collapses, look at Venezuela the women are prostituting themselves for money and desperately looking for a man. Once all the institutions that favor women go away, you will see all the systems put in place to benefit women go away. Sure the men will have it harder but it will be objectively worse for them as things go to shit.

@I_AmTheKnight @37712 @sardonicsmile I'm sorry but I can't let a MGTOW be led astray.

Women will always be taken care of. If the gov won't do it, a man will.

It's as simple as that. Venezuela is as shithole country so of course they suffer but think about it.

Women are prostitutes by nature so all that really changed is that they whore themselves out to new men.

I'm sure the men are being killed and starving to death.

Women NEVER lose.

@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @sardonicsmile

Ok ok, I think I finally understand you. You say that women are winning at life bc no matter the situation they always have it better than men, if there is war, there is famine, etc, they have it easier than men, is that correct?

Having it easyer at life than men does not mean that they are winning at life, also women are ingeneral only have it easyer at life while they are young and fertile, but in general it goes down dramatically as they age.

You got it @37712

I hate to argue but I don't want any MGTOW falling for the doomsday hype waiting for women to suffer.

Let the simps do that. mgtow focus on themselves and get shit done! 😤
@I_AmTheKnight @sardonicsmile

@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @sardonicsmile dumb, yiu coyld have avoided this whole mess if instead of saying winning at life just said that women have it easyer than men, Men are the inly ones who ultimately win at life.

@37712 @I_AmTheKnight @sardonicsmile

I still stand by everything I said. I just don't see the point in arguing with someone I 95% agree with.

If you think women don't win at life then that's fine.

You'll find out soon enough that older women are living their best life just like I did.

It seems like you define winning as self-actualizaiton. In that case that's true.

Women are biologically incapable of self-actualizing.


@basedbagel @37712 @sardonicsmile I’m not disagreeing that women do have it easier than men, all I’m saying is they will lose their rights and their power in society will be diminished. Balance will be restored, sure men will still have it much harder but the unearned privileges and power that women have now will be gone in the future. I guess it depends on your perspective.

@I_AmTheKnight @37712 @sardonicsmile

If you're talking about when women lose their rights... I hope you know that means society has collapsed in which case noone has rights.

If you reference Armageddon to show women losing then that kind of proves my point how women can't lose.

And women will still be taken care of regardless. Women are immune to societal collapse so long as their pussy works.

@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @37712 @sardonicsmile Yup. Patriarchy is a social construct but gynocentrism is a force of nature.

@basedbagel @37712 @sardonicsmile The term “who is winning” that can be subjective depending on how you see things, but I will say women’s power over society now will definitely diminish when things go to shit. The gynocentric social order is going to come to an end, especially when all the weak men/simps die when there’s hyperinflation and bankrupt welfare states everywhere among the western world. Nature is the one that wins in the end and gets the last laugh.

@I_AmTheKnight @37712 @sardonicsmile

This is just doomsday porn.

Just because the gynocentric social order collapses doesn't mean women won't be taken care of.

In every war/hard time in history men bear the brunt of it.

Women are physicallly/psychologically incapable of enduring hardship. So if women ever suffer for real we GO EXTINCT.

So barring extinction, women will always be taken care of. This is the way of the world

@basedbagel @I_AmTheKnight @sardonicsmile I still dont see how that equates to women winning in life, or being able to always do what ever they want. I if hard times come, men get culled and women get raped, yes it sucks more for men but that does not meam that womem are winning.


@sardonicsmile @I_AmTheKnight

Look believe what you want but I'm trying to hell you.

The notion that women lose in the end is not real but you'll find out soon



I usually agree with you but I can't let this slide.

You cant compare an adult to a child because adults have a burden of performance and responsibility.

Kids aren't responsible for anything so they have no standard to fall short of.

Kids/women will always be taken care of NO MATTER WHAT.

Do not let these red pill dating coaches fool you with their cope content.

In real life women never lose.

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