@basedbagel @37712


You know when Jews stopped hunting former Nazi's? That would be never - npr.org/2021/10/07/1043971890/

If the will is there then there will be no statute of limitations for crimes like these.


How did I know it would go back to the jews lol jk

I'm cautiously optimistic but until I see people going behind bars
Creators getting there platforms back
A MASS CULLING of all parties responsible

I'm going to keep working my plan to GTFO the west.

And meet a basic Asian bitch and live happily ever after.


@basedbagel well it goes back to jews because to the surprise of absolutely no one... may be to your surprise, if we where to punish those who are responsible for this mess we would end up finding out that they where all jews, and so we would be called nazys for punishing jews for being jews, kid of like punishing niggers for doing nigger stuff you cant punish jews for doing jew stuff without being called a racist or a nazy.


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