@Tfmonkey I want to support you and @amr and GIVESENDBRO but the new payment system forces me to create a paypal account to put money in to the wallet, something that I really dont want to do. I closed down my paypal account recently and I really dont want to open up a new one. I have not been able to reach @amr regarding this any chance that you can help?
I already tried to contact AMR through that email but no answer
@basedbagel @37712 @Tfmonkey We are under review by them. I don't think it has to do with the manosphere. I will keep you posted on this issue with Stripe.
@37712 @basedbagel @Tfmonkey Email me at info@givesendpro.com we have other alternatives to paypal. Sorry for the delay and inconvenience.
@37712 @Tfmonkey @amr Damn.. Well subscribesstar it is then.
My guess is that he got de-platformed from stripe.