>about to start stream
>need to update windows
>settings reset
>have only 10 minutes to fix all settings and widgets
>stream starts
>internet unstable
>keep recording directly to hard drive
>whole screen turns blue
>" oops something went wrong :( "
>"Your windows disconnected. "Please connect to a network."
>Restart computer
>connection established
>need to update windows


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey when they move windows to the cloud they will have it so that you have to log in With your social security number and do an iris scan, the more tha tfm waits the harder it will be for him to move, CBDC will be implemented as a tool of convenience, tfm stays on windows bc it is a tool of convenience, windows 11 will probably force everyone in to a always online status once it has been fully adopted by the community.

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