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Just finished the main story in fallout NV. Did the yes man independent vegas ending got a 3-4 minute ending dialog, wanted to do the legion ending but game portrayed them all as dumb idiots, would have prefered to do the vanilla ncr ending

so @Tfmonkey when are you gonna bring it up to Halsey that it is not the democrats, it is the Jews that are destroying the country.

Its over boys, texas has been conquered, there is no turning back now

When tfm finally louses all his money and cant afford celestina anymore

Hi @Tfmonkey pls save this one next time some idiot starts telling you that the vaccines are not killing ppl

Well shit boy what do you call this 4th ir 5th wave feminism

I have incriminating evidence that will put Hillary Clinton in jail

This is probably why japanese ppl say that they love mexican food, they just want to test their fancy toilets

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.