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Boy, I think its been decided, Im going to go live this mexican state called chiappas

@Tfmonkey @MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan

Is moving some money from bank or vanguard mutual fund to a company like Glint or one gold that convert fiat to gold that is ready to spend like regular plastic money bad idea? it can be easily seized but I think that if SHTF then the gov will also have seized any money in my vanguard mutual fund and regular bank, is the risk not he same as it being seized by the gov in the bank or vanguard mutual fund?

I fucking told tfmonkey a long time ago that they would eventually do this but he called me crazy, now he is worried bc they might actually do it and I am here to tell you that if they are able to do this to you then that must mean they are spying on you way more than you actually think they are.

@Tfmonkey finally moving over to linux, good decision choosing linux mint cinnamon, I use that myself, let me know if you need any help.

Just wanted to share this for all of the fags in this server, heteros are ok 👍, but fags are a waste of time, space, and resources.

WTF is going on, UNG Jumped from $5 to $20 overnight @Tfmonkey explain

Ok so I've gathered that it was a reverse stock split. Basically they sell off your shares at the old price and then buy back at the new price so you dont make any money and have less shares.

But my new question is how does this affect the price of natural gas the commodity not the futures etf?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.