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In case anyone else is interested, I contacted Amr and he helped me transfer money from my mgtow wallet to my givesendbro wallet so that I did not have to create an account with paypal just top put in money in to my givesendbro account. I hate paypal.

Karuros boosted

Hell yeah, kill for israel, point guns at your own ppl, kill white cis males, destroy families, silence dissenters, destroy all who oppose the new world order, come join the US Military we support trannies, diversity and inclusion.

deis jus wuz traina go to school, deiz wuz gonna be dotors and engiiners, poo black men being put down by evil whiteman, deis din du nuffin, wee need some more diversity and inclusion in this bitch, raise it all to hell, we need to riot again and loot the wallmarts and targets and burn the country down.

Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted

Look how wholesome proper conservative, family-oriented, girls are.
They aren't necessarily naive or vapid. Just wholesome, feminine and what you want to have raising your children.
...a pleasant fiction...

@Tfmonkey I want to support you and @amr and GIVESENDBRO but the new payment system forces me to create a paypal account to put money in to the wallet, something that I really dont want to do. I closed down my paypal account recently and I really dont want to open up a new one. I have not been able to reach @amr regarding this any chance that you can help?

Karuros boosted

Whenever niggers say, "We built this country", all they do is admit that only as slaves can they achieve things.

Look at modern-day niggers, they depend on welfare, do drugs, and loot. Since when Tyrone invented something? All he does is snatch people's shoes.

Niggers are only good as slaves (and even then). Non-welfare smart black people who leave and denounce the Hood are good, though: they do build things.

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Karuros boosted
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.