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Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
More Americans should ask themselves this question whenever they see some criminal activity or mysterious political intrigues. You should look to see who's behind these acts, who will benefit from it, who profits in the end. There you will find the real culprits.

I bet 99% of the time, you'll find some filthy Jew staring back at you
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted

9/11 hijackers had an interesting accent according to CNN (!)

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Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
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Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted
Karuros boosted

This guy pretty much sums it up, an honest person who knows about the JQ doesn't vote for Trump.

He's, by far, the worst choice due to his sway over Americans. Yes, they're all zionist puppets, but only one politician has the legitimate support of tons of (Christian) fighting age men who are ready to die in Israel's wars under the right circumstances.

Little else matters compared to this. And those who think Trump will magically fix inflation or the economy, are in for a huge disappointment.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.