@Tfmonkey Last wednesday's show showcased the difference between you and Halsey. On one side, you have someone who is primarily concerned about finding the facts and doesn't get emotional. Then you have Halsey, who jumps to conclusions, twists everything to favor Israel and is incapable of even admitting his own bias: "dude, it's me you're talking to, I wouldn't care if it's Israel or any other country" (don't remember his exact words, but the meaning was the same).
@37712 @Tfmonkey Nothing binds people together more than genetic proximity (family/race/ethnicity), it means more than ideology, regardless if you're in jail or part of the Cathedral. It's sad that it's that way, but it appears to be the truth. If there's a power-hungry cabal looking to control the world, of course it had to favor a certain racial group above everything else, it's only human nature.
@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey agreed, TFM is going to have to find out the hard way why you cant trust the jews